Volume  1
Contents                 Page

Editor's Letter.....................................................1

A Brief History ................................................ 6
A Day in the Life .......................................... 22
Two Bee Debris ..................................... ...... 38

Drawing Straight Lines ................................ 12
Drawing Circles .................................... ........ 18
Curves, Ellipses, and Spirals ........................ 26
Hatching and Crosshatching ........................ 32
Composition ................................................... 48
Materials and Equipment- part 1 .............. 54
Materials and Equipment- part 2 .............. 58
Not Drowning ................................................ 64
The Zone ......................................................... 68
All in the Preparation ................................... 72
Clockwork Orange ........................................ 76
Bare Bones ...................................................... 80
Magic Pencil Tricks ......................................... 86
More Magic Tricks .......................................... 92

Nothin' ............................................................... 99
         The first few articles in "Drawing with Brett A. Jones- Vol.1" explain how to understand, practise and master all the most fundamental techniques associated with sketching which is always the starting point for any serious attempt at freehand fine art drawing project no matter whether the planned end result is loose and sketchy or insanely hyper-realistic.  If you can't sketch properly to begin with you'll never be any good at actual freehand drawing.
         A few articles describe in-depth the whole process of creating a highly detailed drawing from start to finish with another article devoted entirely to setting up your permanent workspace and drawing gear properly and effectively and a couple specifically written about the materials and equipment required and how to prepare and maintain it all for the most efficient use. 
        Compositional theory is explained as well as all Brett's secrets to help you establish and develop real proportional accuracy drawing freehand.  The psychological side of drawing is also addressed in "The Zone" with a description of a typical day in the studio and a couple of biographical pieces in "A Brief History" and "Not Drowning". 
100 pages
41423 words
143 captioned images

random excerpts from DWBJ-1
click on images to enlarge
all words and images copyright
Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions